New & Noteworthy
Spotlight Report: 2023 Case Reviews of Intimate Partner Homicides in Whatcom County
This report details the findings from multi-disciplinary case review teams, including themes and recommendations for community response to intimate partner violence.
It Happened in our Town: Whatcom County Domestic Violence Fatality Review Report
Published Oct 2013
The Bellingham-Whatcom County Commission Against Domestic Violence (DV Commission) and the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV) collaborated to convene a Domestic Violence Fatality Review (DVFR) Panel in Whatcom County. The DV Commission, WSCADV, and the DVFR Panel worked together to learn about and improve our community response to lethal domestic violence incidents in Whatcom County. The Whatcom County Domestic Violence Fatality Review (DVFR) Panel conducted a formal, in-depth review of three intimate partner homicide cases to learn about and improve our community response to domestic violence.
Sweetgrass is often used in spiritual ceremonies by Coast Salish peoples, especially during healing rituals, prayers, and offerings.