It Happened in Our Town

Abusers consistently were not held accountable.

The abuse could not be stopped by victims alone. Many people knew about the abuse, but did or said nothing to stop it. —It Happened In Our Town

Candle vigil illustration by Shew Designs [Description: Decorative only; image of two candles with yellow background]

Candle vigil illustration by Shew Designs [Description: Decorative only; image of two candles with yellow background]

It Happened in Our Town: Whatcom County Domestic Violence Fatality Review Report

The Bellingham-Whatcom County Commission Against Domestic Violence (DV Commission) and the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV) collaborated to convene a Domestic Violence Fatality Review (DVFR) Panel in Whatcom County. The DV Commission, WSCADV, and the DVFR Panel worked together to learn about and improve our community response to lethal domestic violence incidents in Whatcom County. The Whatcom County Domestic Violence Fatality Review (DVFR) Panel conducted a formal, in-depth review of three intimate partner homicide cases to learn about and improve our community response to domestic violence.

Published Oct 2013